+31 (0)33 247 1227


Phone number
+31 (0)33 247 1227
Prinses Julianaplein 1, The Netherlands
Zip code
3811 NM Amersfoort

Come visit us in the Netherlands!

Public transport

The True People office is located in the center of Amersfoort. This makes us easy to reach by public transport. From the train station (Amersfoort Centraal) it’s only a 10 minute walk to our office.

By car

Will you be coming by car? Then you can make use of the free parking spot behind our office. Navigate to Bergstraat 17 (BMW Motor Shop van Harten) and then turn right. Then you to turn right again, now you’re driving behind the BMW Motor Shop. Drive all the way down this street, on the right side you’ll see a small parking lot. Park your car at one of our parking lot places, this can be recognized by a sign with our name on it.

Let us know if you’re planning to come by car, because our parking lot places are limited.

Route planner

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