+31 (0)33 247 1227


110 Countries
320+ Members
20.000 Cases per year

About React Worlds most trusted partner in anti-counterfeiting

React is a Dutch non-profit organization with more than 30 years of in combating counterfeit trade for more than 320 members like Apple, Nike and Pandora. React has a large international network with strategically placed offices and partners around the world to efficiently combat the global trade in counterfeit goods.

Goal of the member portal Improve operational efficiency and provide members insight in all the services of React

To improve and professionalize their services, React is working together with True People to design and develop a new member portal. The old portal had a poor user experience and lack of data/insights. The main purpose of the new portal is to inform properly and improve the cooperation with members to handle customs and police cases faster.

De question:
How can the collaboration between members, authorities and React be more efficient?
The solution:
A smart portal with insight into suspicious goods, React’s services and invoice history.
Operational efficiency is improved, processes are handled faster and the members are satisfied. Various wishes from several departments at React are fulfilled with the new portal.

What did we do for React? Features of the new Member Portal

Case insight and handling

All information from a case is brought together. This way it can be assessed quickly and efficiently.

Insight into membership and services

Members can easily see in which countries React facilitates protection against counterfeit good and in which countries protection might be possible.

Reporting and analysis

By using filters to select data quickly and efficiently, reports can easily provide insight into the cases, brands and types of products of the counterfeit goods.

Smart data synchronization and analysis Connection with Dynamics 365

Connection with Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a software application that’s used by React to register and handle cases or data. With smart synchronization from Dynamics, it’s able to transfer a huge amount of relevant data to the portal. The portal presents the right information to the members in a simple way. This contributes to more efficient handling of the cases.

More about Dynamics Back React

What is Microsoft Dynamics?

Microsoft Dynamics is the business application platform of Microsoft. Dynamics contains business software in the form of applications in the cloud. These apps are based on ERP and CRM, they integrate seamlessly with tools. The various applications work perfectly together and support the growth of organizations.

React deploys Dynamics to register, administer and bill cases reported by various authorities in 110 countries worldwide.

Connection with Sharepoint

A major problem in handling cases is making sure members can quickly access the right images. The setup of SharePoint is so complex and extensive, that it’s impossible to show the images at SharePoint itself. With a smart connection, we’re able to quickly offer the images and documents to the members in the Member Portal. This allows a quick conclusion of forgery or not.

More about Sharepoint Back React

What is Sharepoint?

Sharepoint is an online collaboration platform, that’s being used for managing documents, processes and for online collaboration. Sharepoint is completely integrated with Office 365 and can also be connected with Dynamics 365 (ERP en CRM). You can create, share and edit documents from Dynamics directly in SharePoint. This makes all documents in an organization accessible and findable through one portal.

The Sharepoint of React has a very complex layout with lots of (sub)sites and drives. In an ongoing process, we ensure that the link is continuously improved. The portal knows the structure of Sharepoint and ensures that all the documents and images are immediately accessible by the people for whom it is relevant.

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