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While creating a functional design, we look at what the portal should be able to do. We use the problem and target group analysis as a guide. In this phase, we determine the problems we are facing and how they can be solved. Based on this we add functionalities to the portal.

A lot is possible with a customized portal, so the portal can be transformed to suit all the needs of your organization. This is different for each company, where possible we reuse some of the functionalities we have built in the past.

Software links

Software links are created with external systems. This makes it possible to send and receive data. As long as an interface is present with the external application, we can create a custom API link without any problems.

Software pairings make automation possible. Because if two different systems can communicate with each other, you no longer have to do this. This prevents manual mistakes, it works more efficiently and your portal is always up to date!


Once we have captured all the requirements, we plan a project scope with the team. The project scope and requirements together form a clear picture of what we want to achieve with the project. During the project scope we define the project goals, determine what we can achieve with your budget and make a realistic planning.

At the end of a project scope, it is clear what we will deliver and for what budget. We agree this with you in order to meet your expectations.

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